Data warehousing companies in India | Data Management | Atreya Associates

Data Management

Data Warehousing

Data Warehousing is a dynamic technology that analyzes aggregated structure data from multiple sources for comparison and to attain greater business intelligence. Organizations can use this to develop a holistic approach for decision-making.

At Atreya, we employ an advanced and secured warehouse to store and provide an interconnected archive of your business data to ensure more practical, decisive, and trustworthy analyses. Our efficient data management techniques drive you towards profitable decision-making and boost revenue for your enterprise.

  • Host-Based Data Warehouse
  • Single-Stage Data Warehouse
  • Multi-Stage Data Warehouse
  • Virtual Data Warehouse
  • Stationary Data Warehouse
  • Distributed Data Warehouse

Our Work Flow



A large amount of data is gathered from various sources like personal statements, accounting reports, CRM applications, TRS systems, etc. Data sources are important because they should align with the business goals placed in the pipeline. Unimportant and inaccurate information must be eliminated during this stage.



Garbage data in is garbage analysis out. Data cleaning is one of the most important steps for your organization if you want to create a culture around quality data decision-making. The practise of correcting or deleting incorrect, corrupted, improperly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data from a dataset is known as data cleaning.



After the data is cleaned it should be converted to a standard data warehouse format to increase the query performance and decrease the operational cost. This formatting must support performance requirements and control operational overheads.



The data stored in a warehouse is converted to warehouse format and then goes through procedures like consolidation and summarising to make it easier to use and more coordinated. More data is uploaded to the warehouse when sources are updated over time.